Say I do
We'd be truly delighted if you chose to shop for your wedding/engagement rings here at Infinity Fine Jewellery. We understand how big of a deal it is.
That's why we dedicate time, space and a wonderful experience to you.

You will have you very own space, upstairs in the shop where you will not be disturbed. You can enjoy the moment with a glass of champagne and a comforting environment.
Together is a beautiful place to be.
We won't rush you. We will be as attentive as you wish us to be. Our aim is to provide you with the perfect rings and the perfect experience.
You are able to book an appointment at a time and day that suits you. We are happy to dedicate time out of hours for you.
We ask that you kindly fill in your details below should you wish to discuss the start of your journey with us here at Infinity Fine Jewellery.